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    Reporters Without Borders said in it’s 2005 special report titled “Xinhua: the world’s biggest propaganda agency”, that “Xinhua remains the voice of the sole party”, “particularly during the SARS epidemic, Xinhua has for last few months been putting out news reports embarrassing to the government, but they are designed to fool the international community, since they are not published in Chinese.”
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Director of WorldRights: It’s time for the CCP to answer for its crimes

Posted by Author on July 24, 2007

Speech, by Mr. Timothy Cooper, Executive Director of WorldRights, on July 20, 2007, in Washington D.C., at Rally to Support 24 Million Chinese Quit The Chinese Communist Party-

It’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes

by Mr. Timothy Cooper

Friends of China, friends in China,Timothy Cooper make speech at Rally

Contemporary Chinese writer Zhang Kangkang has written, “A country that cannot use today in order to examine yesterday will have no tomorrow.”

This truth as immutable as “the laws of nature” stands as the single greatest impediment to the welcome rise of China as a player on the world stage today. No matter how many billions of Yuan the CCP sold in cheap exports last year, no matter how many high-rises it builds in Shanghai this year, and no matter how many tens of thousands of sports fans it entertains at the Beijing Olympics next year, China will have no tomorrow until the CCP is held accountable for its horrific crimes against the Chinese people.

(photo:  Mr. Timothy Cooper spoke on Rally)

It is long overdue. By all that is right and just in this world, its leaders must be brought before the bar because the Chinese people are entitled to render a verdict on a regime that is as merciless as it is cruel.

For the millions of victims who died, and for the millions who survived and remember what they were made to endure, the CCP’s era of impunity must end. If for no other reason than for them to be able to answer their children when they ask: What did you do to remember the victims? What did you do to make sure that it never happens again?

Friends of China, friends in China,

It’s time for you to sound the call. Let your word go forth: “Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!” This court will come to order, “Let the trials begin! It’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes!”

First on the docket: The People v. the Anti-Rightist Campaign. Let the writers, doctors, teachers, students, and journalists who were humiliated and persecuted, separated from their families and sent to impoverished villages far and wide to labor hard, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

Next: The People v. the Cultural Revolution. Let the so-called counter-revolutionaries, teachers, and political dissidents who were made enemies of the state for preaching social idealism and then beaten, jailed and tormented, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

Next: Students of Tiananmen Square v. the Deng Xiaoping, et al. Let the students who survived Tiananmen Square, those who saw their fellow students shot and killed, those students who were jailed and remain in jail today, those who were forced to flee their country and live in exile far from their families, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

And finally: Falun Gong v. the CCP. Let the millions of Falun Gong, those who were fired from their jobs, had businesses destroyed, were kicked out of schools and universities, were evicted from their homes, had their families ruined, were hunted down, harassed and abused, and sent to reeducation through labor camps, where they were brainwashed, tortured, starved, and learned “horror of horror”of other Falun Gong practitioners who had their organs harvested, let them rise to take the stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

Let the court hear from Beijing university student, Alex Hsu, who was tortured and brainwashed and forced to renounce his practice of Falun Gong at the direction of the 610 Office. Let the court hear from Falun Gong practitioner, James Ouyang, who is too afraid even now to use his real name, about how he was beaten so often and so badly by the Chinese police that he was forced to denounce Falun Gong just to survive. Let the court listen to his words about his experience “I have seen the worst of what man can do. They really are the worst animals on Earth.”

Let them rise to testify to CCP’s crimes. And allow the CCP to defend itself, if it can…

Only the Chinese People can take this momentous step. Only you can as the ancient saying goes “startle the Heavens and move the gods. But if you do, those of us you see and hear today are ready to stand with you, to help you startle the Heavens and move the gods. And when justice is done, when the CCP is relegated to history, we will walk into tomorrow together.

Shi Shi.

Timothy Cooper
Executive Director ,Worldrights

Original script of the speech and Chinese translation from the Epochtimes report

20% Member Resigned, Chinese Communist Party Collapsing , July 23rd, 2007
Photos: Parade Celebrates 24 Million Chinese Quit the Communist Party, July 20th, 2007

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